Power Words Coloring Bundle

Power Words Coloring Bundle
Your thoughts affect every cell in your body, so if you really desire to make a positive change in your life, start with making changes to the words you speak .
Words have a magical ability ...........when used the right way. They can inspire, motivate, excite, calm, free and create. Yes, one little word can do all that and so much more. If you’re not big on affirmations, then using the power and vibration of a word or a selection of words may be just what you require to create the life you desire.
They are free and you already use them, so you’re ahead of the game. I’m guessing though that you’ve been taught the “right” way to use your words - such as grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and so on. Which is great. This is an important part of language and communicating.
But what if I told you that there was a whole other side to words that you probably never knew about?
Every word has an energy or a vibration.
Don’t believe me? Try this: think of a time when someone said something positive about you or gave you a compliment. How did it feel? Now, think of a time when the opposite happened, and someone said something not so nice or downright hurtful and nasty to you. Once again, how did it feel?
That’s energy right there!!!
Did you know that the words you speak carry an energy or vibration? You can be literally creating your dream life or destroying it - simply through the words that come out of your mouth.
When you say things such as, “I’ll never get that…” or “I can’t afford…” or “Nothing good ever happens to me”, you are sending out a vibration of lack and negativity - and then you wonder why you don’t get that raise or can’t afford to go on that holiday. How many times do you find yourself thinking or speaking of not having enough of something, things are so hard, you don’t have something specific, you don’t have the money, everything is so expensive, etc?
“With every word you speak, you are creating more of what you are talking about and focusing on. That’s powerful! ”
So, What Are Power Words?
Power words are, put simply, words that carry powerful energy and that can have an astonishing impact on our life. Take, for instance, the words ABUNDANT and LACK. Both words have the power to impact your life, most certainly, but which word has the ability to transform your life for the better?
The word ABUNDANT, of course.
Or what about BELIEVE and DOUBT? Which word energizes and lights you up? I hope you said BELIEVE!
With this bundle you will receive 10 Power Word Colouring Pages. The words include:
As you’re colouring each word, tap into and feel the enegy of each word. Feel what it means to be ABUNDANT or to fully BELIEVE in something. Feel the CERTAINTY of something you know for sure. CHOOSE to allow the meaning and vibration of the words flood through out you. Bring to mind things that bring you JOY and feel the MAGIC stir within you!
Be inspired and motivated with these beautifully designed power word colouring prints. Colour them in and put them where you will see them regularly and let them work their magic.
This is a digital file download for printing. No physical items will be mailed.
Upon payment you will receive 1 file with 10, high quality (300dpi) PDF pages that can be printed either at home or at any printing shop.
1 PDF file of 10 Power Word coloring pages ready for instant download
High quality 300dpi, ready for print using your home or office printer, or any local/online printing service